Changes to USC Email and Google Workspace – Alumni

Alumni and Former Student Account Access To mitigate cybersecurity and data privacy risks and to comply with licensing agreements, the University of Southern California is no longer able to provide Google Workspace, which includes Gmail ( for University alumni and former students (attendees). While this change is needed, we acknowledge that our alumni and retirees…

Google Changes – Students

Background Google has changed its licensing model and its associated charges with Google storage. Before this milestone, as an education customer, Google did not charge USC for resources.  This arrangement resulted in USC / ITS not applying usage limits or storage controls.  What to Know ITS will begin to implement the following approved changes:  Current…

Google and Microsoft Changes – Faculty and Staff

Background Google and Microsoft have changed their licensing model and associated charges with storage. Prior to this milestone, as an education customer, they did not charge USC for resources. This arrangement resulted in USC / ITS not applying usage limits or storage controls. This is the first round of changes. Key Benefits: Why it’s being…

Google Migration Tools

There are several methods you can use to move your data from Google Drive to another location. These are listed in order of efficiency for moving large amounts of data. Microsoft Used for Moving Drive files from Google Drive to Microsoft OneDrive Audience: All USC roles Note: Microsoft Mover does not currently support moving…

Google Drive

Please note the important changes coming to USC’s Google storage services.

Google Drive

Please note the important changes coming to USC’s Google storage services.


ITS provides two options for online storing files and documents to the USC community. This page provides descriptions of these services, information on accessing and using these services, and a comparison of these options so current faculty, staff, and students may determine their best storage option. Note: Student access ends one year post-departure from USC unless an official…

Zoom Phone

As a result of a campus-wide collaboration, Zoom Phone has replaced USC’s costly legacy telephony and communications systems. This represents an incredible achievement in delimiting our ability to support how our campuses operate today and into the future. Zoom Phone delivers a highly available, forward-looking digital campus communication platform that encompasses phone, video, and data…

Labster Draft

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque quis massa magna. Nulla ac nunc eu augue hendrerit interdum non quis mi. Nam pharetra nec augue vitae suscipit. Nulla malesuada orci ut neque dictum, a semper elit laoreet.  Getting Started with Labster Simulations Labster Requirements

Remote Access

WiFi and Mobile Hotspot Tips Zoom has a minimum bandwidth requirement of 600kbps to run, but the recommended speed is 1.5 Mbps for a decent voice and video experience. Please see the tips below to ensure your internet connection is prepared to handle Zoom and the remote working experience. To see outage and planned maintenance…